STILL撮影Three sistersI have a cute customer of three sisters. With the furisode and hair set provided by Marie ,they are as beautiful as flow...August 7, 2024wordpressjolie0More Detail
STILL撮影Kimono for walking around the city Styling and hair make : Chie Kai Costume:provided by Jolie Marie Beautiful Lady was be styled by Jolie Marie. Her attra...0More Detail
STILL撮影Love is everything.White and red kimono are both of representative costumes for Japanese weddings. White is a symbol of innocence and red i...0More Detail
STILL撮影前撮り12月も暮れに差し迫った日中之島公会堂の小集会室で前撮りの撮影会を行いました。高い天井大正モダンの室内及び外周での撮影は勿論プロカメラマンによるもので日本独特の色鮮やかな着物と洋風の室内が独特の雰囲気を醸し出し美しい。花嫁着付け及びヘアセッ...wordpressjolie0More Detail